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workshop proposal

1-day workshop: $3,995 (United States)
Includes: presentation, travel, lodging, and per diem
Workshop format / customizable to meet your needs:
This works well:  9:30AM to noon presentation / Working Lunch / 1:30 to 3:30 presentation / 3:30 to 4:00 Q & A

Additional days: $1,200 per day.
Outside of the U.S.: Additional travel fee of $2,000

Sample proposal:
Proposal: “ K-12 Education Interpreter Training" Summer 2024
Date: July 10 & 11, 2024  (2 days)
Location:  City, State
Site (building, room, etc.) TBA: 

Sponsoring OrganizationXYZ organization, 1234 Anystreet, Anytown, 00000-0000 US

Contact person
first name, last name, Title, (555) 123-1234 (Direct Line), Videophone: (555) 123-1234, jsmith@notgmail(dot)com

Lead trainer: William G. Vicars, EdD, Director, ASL University, (███) ███-████ (text only), ███████@███.com
Training Organization:  "Lifeprint" (ASL University hosted by 

Cost of one-day or 1st-day workshop:  $█,███ (covers airfare, hotel, local transportation, one day per diem, and first-day workshop fee). No other fees.

Additional days: $681 per day (includes 2nd-day $███.00 workshop fee, plus GSA’s 2024 travel rates for Pennsylvania of $██.00 per diem & $███.00 hotel).

Total fee for two-day training workshop: $█,███.00 (includes all expenses, no additional fees)

Included hours per day: Six hours (9:30 to 3:30 -- negotiable)

Complimentary: "Dr. Bill" will be available from 3:30 to 4:30pm for additional Q & A  or one-on-one consulting (free).

Payment options:  (invoicing available on request)

Availability:  July 10 and 11th, 2024 (penciled in).  Other dates available according to mutual convenience.

Cancellation policy:  The local organization may cancel this training at any time for any reason. If cancelling prior to the workshop and the presenter has already paid for nonrefundable travel arrangements the local organization needs to reimburse the presenter for incurred travel costs.

The two-day workshop fee above is inclusive, no other charges -- even if additional trainers are provided.  That way you can have a solid / firm number to work with. If you want a longer workshop, the number of days in the workshop can be adjusted by starting with the basic 1-day workshop fee of $█,███.00 (which covers airfare, hotel, local transportation, one day per diem, and 1st-day workshop fee) and then add $███ per extra workshop day For example, a 3-day workshop would be: $ █,███.00).  Also if your local budget is stretched, consider reaching out for co-sponsors.  I know you tend to give your workshops away for free -- which is awesome -- but there might be those who would contribute if it meant being able to bring me in for a workshop.





See: Workshops ►


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ASL resources by  ©  Dr. William Vicars