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VIRTUAL: The American Sign Language (ASL) sign for "virtual"

How do you sign "virtual" in ASL?

The concept of "virtual" is signed in a variety of ways in ASL depending on the specific meaning intended, context, foreknowledge, and previously established in-group conventions.

In other words -- it depends.


The concept of "virtual" is often just fingerspelled in ASL -- particularly by Deaf individuals who are skilled at ASL and fingerspelling and who are familiar with the meaning of the English word "virtual."



"Virtual" is sometimes expressed by using the sign for two-way-VIDEO, teleconference, two-way-video-communication, video-relay. See:




"Virtual" is sometimes expressed by using the sign ONLINE, internet, network. See:



(Note that some people sign "online" as a combination of the signs ON + LINE. While that approach may be open to criticism -- it is undeniable that a significant number of people do it.)



Virtual Reality (after context has been established) is typically signed by spelling "VR".




A virtual reality headset can be depicted by using handshapes that resemble the general size and shape of a VR headset. For example, see:


As time passes, such depictions will evolve into increasingly simple (or less complex) handshapes. For example it is likely that the sign for VR headset will simply use two baby-C handshapes to frame the eyes. (A baby-C handshape uses the thumb and index finger in a C shape).



If by "virtual" you mean fake or pretend then you might want to use one of the signs for "pretend." For example:


Note that there are several different common signs used to mean "pretend."



If by "virtual" you mean "almost" then use the ALMOST sign. See:





If by "virtual" you mean "made up, invented, pretend, creatively generated" then use CREATIVE sign. See:



Notes:  See: COMPUTER


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