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The American Sign Language (ASL) signs for "fall from grace"

Trick question:
How is "fall from grace?" signed in ASL?

Answer: FALL FROM fs-grace.

If your trigger reaction is to claim "but, but -- that doesn't mean 'fall from grace'" -- then you have a severe lack of understanding how language and actual communication in the American Deaf Community works.

I didn't ask: Explain to me the meaning of "fall from grace" as if I don't know that that phrase means.

I encourage you to avoid approaching ASL as if average Deaf people are idiots and need every idiomatic phrase expanded upon and stripped of all metaphor.

The sign(s) for "fall from grace" are "FALL FROM fs-GRACE." That's what you sign and then you move on with your message unless your conversation partner's facial expression or other reaction indicates that expansion is needed.

Your "expansion" is an explanation of what "fall from grace" means.

Your expansion is "not" how to sign "fall from grace."

Sure, if someone (whether they be a Hearing English speaker or a Deaf ASL signer) doesn't know what a phrase means -- you are going to need to explain it (if the meaning is important to your message). However if you go into explanation mode every time a metaphor comes up -- you are going to start wondering why all the Deaf folks find excuses to be somewhere other than where you are during ASL socials -- or why we ask the interpreter agency to send someone else.


(Please know that I have no one individual in mind as I post this. It is a general comment brought about because the concept of "fall" and / or "falling" is on my personal radar lately).


See the 4:20 mark of this video:

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