The sign for "oh I see" is NOT used for affirmation.
Instead it is used to show that you are paying attention to what is being
said and/or that you grasp what is being talked about. If the person
you are talking to is angry, and you are sympathetic to his cause, then use
an angry facial expression. If you are trying to calm him down
use a concerned but patient expression. If he is happy, then use a
happy facial expression.
My point here is that you need to use some kind of facial expression for
this sign, which expression you use, depends on how you are feeling.
The movement for "oh-I-see" is in the elbow, not the wrist. (The
wrists doesn't move. If you move the wrist, this sign becomes an
initialized version of YES.)
Hold out a "Y" hand with the hand tilted
backward just a bit so that the palm is pointing forward. Move your hand
downward (and maybe a teeny bit forward but mostly downward) then back up
and down again.
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