Memory aid: Think of the "A" hand as representing a bottle and the person is
so drunk that as he (or she) tries to take a swig he misses his mouth.
Animation: DRUNK:

DRUNK: (Version 2)
This version means drunk but it also is good for such things as "tipsy" or
Hold a palm-down 4-hand up in front of your eyes (fingertips pointing toward
the side. Move the
hand side to side in front of your face while wiggling your fingers. Use a
"drunk" facial expression.

ALCOHOLIC: A student asked me how to sign "alcoholic." There
are several ways.
One way is to sign "HE/SHE DRUNK HE." (Using the "A" hand
version). That works to mean "He is an alcoholic" if the person
isn't obviously drunk at the moment. If he or she is obviously drunk
then that statement would be interpreted to mean "He is drunk."
To make it clear that you mean "an alcoholic" you can add the
"PERSON-agent affix" to the sign DRUNK.
Another way to indicate being an alcoholic is to sign "alcohol" and
then use the "ADDICTED" sign which uses an "X" hand to (pretend)
hook onto the corner of the mouth and (slightly) jerk the head to
the side as if indicating someone is "hooked" like a fish. Thus
"alcoholic" = ALCOHOL + ADDICT.
Another way to indicate "alcoholic" is to fingerspell: "AA" which is
interpreted by many to mean that a person is an alcoholic and is
involved with the "whole process" of being an alcoholic including
current or previous attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
You can learn
Language (ASL) online at American Sign Language University ™
ASL resources by Lifeprint.com © Dr. William Vicars