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"AUSTRALIA" The American Sign Language (ASL) sign for: "Australia"
A common version of the ASL sign for Australia:
You may see a version showing the 8-handshape with the pads of the middle finger and thumb touching rather than the tip of the middle finger touching the pad of the thumb. Both versions are legit. There is a lot of variation though so see the notes below.
The Auslan Sign Bank (at also shows the "8-hand to 5-hand" version of AUSTRALIA:
(Source: Australia/Australian search result from "The Auslan Dictionary," Signbank. Retrieved 1/19.2019 from: ) (Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0.)
The two-handed, neutral signing space, palm-downward, forward arching (pick up and drop) version of the sign for Australia is purported to have originated based on the concept of British prisoners having been exiled to (picked up and dropped off in) Australia. (Lapiak, 2019)
"New South Wales, a state in southeast Australia, was founded by the British as a penal colony in 1788. Over the next 80 years, more than 160,000 convicts were transported to Australia from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, in lieu of being given the death penalty." (Sood, 2012)
AUSTRALIA-[legacy-version]-[version of: ANTHROPOLOGY]-[version of: CUBA]
Notes: For a discussion regarding the "kangaroo" memory aid for the sign Australia see: FOLK ETYMOLOGY
Lapiak, J. (2019) "This sign is often assumed to be related to a kangaroo's paws. But, the actual reason behind the sign is that England picked up and dropped British convicts off as an "exile" in Australia by ship (noted by Andrew Knox and Deaf Australians)."
(Source: Lapiak, J. (2019) "ASL sign for: Australia," Handspeak, retrieved 1/19/2019 from
O'Keeffe, Karl, (n.d.) "Australia,", Retrieved 1/19/2019 from:
Sood, (2012) "New South Wales, a state in southeast Australia, was founded by the British as a penal colony in 1788. Over the next 80 years, more than 160,000 convicts were transported to Australia from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, in lieu of being given the death penalty." (Sood, 2012)
(Source: Sood, Suemedha (Jan. 26, 2012) "Australia's Penal Colony Roots," BBC Travel, retrieved 1/19/2019 from: )
Additional References:
"Australia" in Turkish signing:
Australia in Portuguese signing:
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