The importance of a syllabus:
Your syllabus is a contract with your students.
It provides the framework for a great learning experience.
It protects them and it protects you.
For example, suppose you mess up and give a major exam that is WAY too easy, and then decide to
add another--harder--exam to the coursework to try to bring the average back down. Is that fair to the students?
No. It is your job to get it right the FIRST time. That is what you are being paid to do.
Suppose your give a take home test and two students collaborate on it and then when you notice
that their answers are identical and initiate the process of giving them an "F" they take it up with the dean and
point out that your syllabus said nothing about not being allowed to work together on take-home projects. So the dean
sides with them. Is that fair to you? No.
The solution is to use a syllabus that spells out your grading criteria and expectations for the
You are looking for a win/win here. It's good for you and it's good for your students.
I like to give the students a day by day class schedule on the back of their syllabus. They can
use the schedule to keep track of their progress in class. There is no question, "how they are doing." I walk them
through the entries. I point out the items that are graded and how many points they will get for each graded
When I'm using someone else's curriculum that I'm not used to yet I generally don't put down on
the schedule which chapter we will be covering each day. Not that it isn't a good idea--because
normally it is good to have a detailed schedule. I would only
be very specific about the schedule if I've taught from a curriculum
or out of a particular text book for a couple of semesters and have a feeling for how it flows. What
works best for me as I'm getting used to a new curriculum is to simply write on the board or type on the overhead (projector) which chapters we will be doing
over the next few days. I tell the students at the beginning of the semester how far I plan on getting through the
book--that way if they want to "read ahead" they can.
For many years now I've been using my own
curriculum to teach from and it flows like clockwork--so my recent
syllabi have indeed listed the exact lesson we are covering each
In a message dated 7/17/2009 10:39:15 A.M.
Pacific Daylight Time, a teacher asks:
"What are the typical college requirements for grading and/or
I want to try something different by placing more trust in my
I want to know what the minimum requirements are so I can modify my
(Name removed for privacy.)
Dear Teacher,
The real issues regarding grading are how do
we use grades to:
1. Motivate our students
2. Fill our obligations to preserve and uphold high academic
3. Cover our rear ends.
Trusting students is well and good, per se, but the fact is some of
the are not trustworthy and if you give them enough rope they will
hang themselves and later accuse you of murder.
So my advice is to be VERY CLEAR about your objectives and how a
student can earn the grade they want.
Some teachers are lazy and create a syllabus that is designed to let
the instructor procrastinate the crafting of assignments and due
dates. Such instructors do not pre-plan assignment due dates or they
list assignments but do not describe in specific detail how the
assignment is graded.
There should be no ambiguity in their minds regarding exactly what
level and amount of effort will produce an specific grade -- from an
A to an F. It may seem strange to us but many students want only to
achieve an "C" grade. At first this seems preposterous, but the fact
is students are busy adults and if they are only taking a class to
fulfill a requirement they do not want to spend any more time on
that class than they need to fill the requirement. I understand and
respect those students. If I were a student and were required to
take an underwater basket weaving class and all I needed was a "C"
then As a student I'd want to know PRECISELY and CLEARLY how much
effort I need to put out in order to get a "C."
If a professor gives me some vague, muddled piece of crap for a
syllabus that makes me "guess" and "hope" and "assume" what my grade
will be I am going to destroy that instructor in my evaluations of
him or her. Then if he or she gives me a "D" when I thought I was
going to get a "C" and I have a choice between "appealing the grade"
or retaking the class it is a no brainer that I will appeal the
grade and drag that instructor through an appeals committee where
they will go through heck trying to explain their ambiguous grading
system. If I can show the committee that my instructor's grading
system is subjective to the whims of the instructor (instead of
based on clearly defined objectives) the committee will likely side
with me (the student) and tell the instructor to modify my grade
Your syllabus is your contract with your students and you will want
to make it flexible and motivating but also very clear and specific.
See below for the official grading policy of a typical 4-year
Grading Policy
Policy Administrator: Vice President, Academic Affairs
Authority: Executive Order 792, FS 00-07; FS 05-17B
Effective Date: September 1, 2002; Revised July 2005
Index Cross-References:
Policy File Number: UMG05150.htm
A Exemplary achievement of the course objectives. In addition to
being clearly and significantly above the requirements, work
exhibited is of an independent, creative, contributory nature.
B Superior achievement of the course objectives. The performance is
clearly and significantly above the satisfactory fulfillment of
course requirements.
C Satisfactory achievement of the course objectives. The student is
now prepared for advanced work or study.
Note: The letter grade "C" does not imply satisfactory achievement
at the graduate level.
D Unsatisfactory achievement of course objectives, yet achievement
of a sufficient proportion of the objectives so that it is not
necessary to repeat the course unless required to do so by the
academic department.
F Unsatisfactory achievement of course objectives to an extent that
the student must repeat the course to receive credit.
WU The symbol "WU" indicates that a n enrolled student did not
withdraw from the course and also failed to complete course
requirements. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor,
completed assignments or course activities, or both, were
insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance
possible. For purposes of grade point average, this symbol is
equivalent to an "F."
CR Satisfactory achievement of course objectives. (Not used in CSUS
grade point calculation.)
NC Unsatisfactory achievement of course objectives. (Not used in
CSUS grade
point calculation, but is calculated as "F" by many graduate and
I The symbol "I" (Incomplete Authorized) indicates that a portion of
required course work has not been completed and evaluated during the
course due to unforeseen but fully justified reasons and that there
is still a possibility of earning credit.* It is the responsibility
of the student to bring pertinent information to the attention of
the instructor and to determine from the instructor the remaining
course requirements that must be satisfied to remove the Incomplete.
Agreement as to the conditions for removal of the Incomplete will be
in writing, signed by the instructor, student, and the department
chair (or designee) and placed on file with the appropriate academic
department until the Incomplete is removed or the time limit passed.
A final grade is assigned when the work agreed upon has been
completed and evaluated. An "I" (Incomplete Authorized) should not
be assigned when it is necessary for the student to attend
additional class meetings to complete the course requirements. An
Incomplete must be made up within 12 months of the end of the term
in which it was assigned. This limitation prevails whether or not
the student maintains continuous enrollment.
Failure to complete the assigned work will result in an Incomplete
being converted to an "F" or "NC" on the academic transcript.
At the time of degree evaluation, the degree will not be awarded if
a student has any outstanding "I" grades which, if calculated as
"F", would cause the student's grade point average to fall below the
minimum level for graduation in any grade point requirement (CSUS,
overall, major, minor or General Education).
Incomplete grades are not considered for deletion by the Academic
Standards Committee.
*Note: Students in the military reserve whose units go on active
duty during or around the final examinations period are eligible to
receive an "I" provided they meet the conditions above.
RP Report in progress. Work is in progress on thesis, project or
similar course
extending beyond one term. (Not used in grade point calculation.)
The "RP" symbol is used in connection with courses that extend
beyond one semester. It indicates that work is in progress, but
assignment of a final grade must await completion of additional
work. The "RP" symbol shall be replaced with the appropriate final
grade within one year of its assignment (within two years for
master's culminating requirement). If no final grade is reported by
the instructor within the time limit, the "RP" will be converted to
"F" or "NC" on the academic transcript.
W The symbol "W" indicates that the student was permitted to
withdraw from the course after the fourth week of instruction with
the approval of the instructor and appropriate campus officials. It
carries no connotation of quality of student performance and is not
used in grade point calculation .
RD Report Delayed. A grade has not been reported to the registrar
due to circumstances beyond control of student. (Not used in grade
point calculation.)
AU Audit grade indicates student's status as auditor and does not
earn degree
credit. Enrollment as an auditor is subject to permission of the
instructor provided that enrollment in a course as an auditor shall
be permitted only after students otherwise eligible to enroll on a
credit basis have had an opportunity to do so. Auditors are subject
to the same fee structure as credit students and regular class
attendance is expected. Once enrolled as an auditor, a student may
not change to credit status unless such a change is requested no
later than the last day to add classes. A student who is enrolled
for credit may not change to audit after the fourth week of
CSU, Sacramento will use a +/- grading system, beginning Fall 1985.
(AS 82-45)
CSU, Sacramento will use A, B, C, D, and F grades for lower division
courses. (AS 82-63)
A grade correction is possible only in the case of a declared
clerical error. A correction in the letter grade must be approved by
the instructor of record and the department chairperson by the last
day of the semester, either spring or fall, following the semester
the grade is posted to the student's record. The definition of
clerical error is an error made by the instructor or assistant in
grade determination or posting. Under no circumstances, except for
completion of work when an "I" was issued, may a grade change be
made as the result of work completed or presented following the
close of a grade period. Grades cannot be changed to "W" nor can
they be changed from a letter grade to Credit/No credit.
A grade correction after the semester following grade award will be
allowed only if the course instructor and chair of the department
where the course was offered submit the grade change and an
explanation for the late grade correction to the Registrar. In the
case where the course instructor and/or department chair is
unavailable, the department faculty or a committee of department
faculty must approve the grade correction. In such a case, a
statement of the nature of the exception, the department's method of
approval, and the date of approval must be forwarded with the grade
While there is a presumption that grades assigned by faculty are
correct, students who believe that a correct final grade has not
been assigned may use the Student Grade Appeal Procedure. This
procedure may only be used to appeal earned letter or "CR"/"NC"
grades and the assignment of a WU grade. Students must start this
procedure no later than the beginning of the Fall or Spring semester
following the semester in which the grade was earned. The procedure
requires that students seek to resolve the matter informally with
the instructor of record before initiating a formal grade appeal.
Copies of the Student Grade Appeal Process are available at the
office of each academic department and the offices of the Vice
President for Student Affairs and Vice President for Academic
Affairs. See University Manual, Grade Appeal Procedures.
CSUS requires that students process an official drop by telephone,
on-line or by petition within published deadlines. Failure to
withdraw properly from a course may result in assignment of a "WU"
grade in the course. The symbol "WU" indicates that the student did
not withdraw from the course and also failed to complete course
requirements. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor,
completed assignments or course activities, or both, were
insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance
possible. For purposes of grade point average, this symbol is
equivalent to an "F."
Since some students may not be familiar with the CSUS drop policy
until after they receive their first "WU," the student may petition
to have the effect of the failure removed from the grade point
average of the first semester in which he/she receives one or more
"WU" grades. The student must obtain a Petition to Discount First
"WU" Grade from the Admissions and Records Office or the Academic
Advising Center and meet with an academic advisor. The petition
process must be completed within six months following the end of the
semester in which the "WU" was assigned. This policy applies for the
one term only in which the student receives the first "WU" grade and
does not apply to grades posted at institutions other than CSUS.
A petition to delete a grade other than an Incomplete or a first
"WU" and an Incomplete grade may be submitted for consideration by
the Academic Standards Committee for the following reasons only:
To remove penalty grades assigned due to failure to complete a
course for causes related to illness. Medical verification is
To correct errors by academic departments. Department verification
is required.
To correct errors made in registration (e.g., use of wrong class
code). The Registrar's Office must confirm this error.
Petitions must be submitted within three semesters from the end of
the semester in which the grade was received. After a student's
degree has been awarded, petitions to delete grades posted prior to
the award of a degree will not be considered.
A grade of "C-" will be considered as a "C" for prerequisite
courses, unless a department specifically decides otherwise.
If a department requires a "C" or better in a prerequisite course
and will not accept a "C-" grade, then the department must specify
so in the catalog course description.
This policy applies only to prerequisites stated in terms of letter
grades. It does not modify regulations such as those concerning
academic warning, probation, or disqualification that are stated in
terms of numerical grade point average. (AS 84-66, PM 85-07)