Syllabus: How to improve your syllabus
I sometimes supervise ASL instructors
in various programs. Prior to the beginning of the course I like
to ask instructors for a copy of their syllabus. Since it may be
of value to you I'm sharing below an example of a submitted syllabus and
my feedback. Note: I have changed a few of the details to maintain
the privacy of the instructor.
-- Dr. Bill
Dear Instructor,
I have looked over your syllabus (posted below) and it looks good. I
now encourage you to expand on the section of your
syllabus called "Course Evaluation" items.
Your syllabus states:
ASL 104 Course Evaluation Pts. of
Final Grade
Participation/Attendance 50
assignments 50
Expressive Exam 100
Each of those items,
(Participation/Attendance, Workbook Assignments, and Expressive
Exam) would benefit from a paragraph or more explaining in detail
exactly what constitutes "A"-level work.
A syllabus is intended to provide a way for a student to defend
themselves from a capricious teacher.
For example: If we say "completion of assignments" is also part of the
"participation" grade (as you do in your syllabus), without stating
clearly how much of an influence missing an assignment will have on the
participation grade that is the same as saying "I'll grade you however I
feel like and I'll make up the numbers at the end of the semester based
on my gut."
If a student misses one assignment out of ten -- how will that affect
Sure, she will lose the points the assignment itself was worth, but now,
according to your syllabus she is supposed to lose ADDITIONAL points
from her participation grade as well. But "how many" additional points
is never clarified and thus the student gets to go through the semester
"hoping" she is participating enough, and "hoping" that the one missed
assignment won't hurt her grade too badly. She can only "hope" and not
"know" because the syllabus only says it will have an influence--but not
how much.
I've always found "participation" to be a vague term and very
If I were a student, how would I know my participation level is
sufficient to score enough points?
Does the teacher provide some sore of daily "participation score?"
If regular feedback isn't provided, then going to class becomes sort of
like bowling with no scorecard and the computer won't tell you your
score until the match is already over and you have either won or lost.
Should we have a score card and make a mark on it every time a student
says anything in class?
At the end of the day, the students with the most marks under their name
would be considered excellent.
If a student shows up each day in class and raise his hand once per hour
does that constitute sufficient participation?
Realistically, most instructors are indeed able to mentally sort out who
is a "good participator" and who is a poor participator, but that isn't
the problem.
The problem is when the teacher's idea of participation is different
from the student's idea of participation.
How does a teacher quantify "engagement in discussions?" At what point
does engagement become domination when one student won't shut up? How is
a student to know throughout the semester "how they are doing" regarding
participation. In many classes students have no idea what their
participation grade is until the END of the semester when it is too
Think of it from the student's perspective, they have a limited amount
of energy and some of them might be shy or come from a culture (Asian
for example) where exaggerated facial expressions are not the norm. A
small amount of participation from such individuals constitutes a "huge"
effort and a major departure from their comfort zone. Suppose at the end
of the semester a student challenged your "evaluation" of her
participation. Suppose she took her challenge to the Department chair
and claimed that she had participated fully in the course and deserved a
full 100 points for participation. Then the Chair might ask you to
explain on what exactly did you base your "evaluation" of that student's
participation. How will you account for your evaluation? Your gut level
feeling? Your intuition? Your judgement? That is all very nice, but such
things are "subjective" and research shows that subjective judgements
are influenced by bias, lookism, and prejudice. The "pretty students"
who have the same skin color and world view as the instructor tend to be
judged higher and with more leniency than other students in
class--unless you have very clear criteria on which to base
Until you specify exactly how much those criteria to your students you
are operating in a subjective rather than objective mode.
On your syllabus you have stated, "Absolutely no make up for the exam."
What will you do if a student is genuinely sick, misses the exam, and
comes to you later with a note from a doctor and requests to take the
test? If you don't give the student the test and their scores will not
allow for a passing grade, the student may justifiably petition for an
grade of "incomplete." Whereupon it would be expected that you indicate
what "work" was missed and must be made up in order to "complete" the
course. The work that was "missed" was your final exam and you will
likely end up having to give the student the final exam regardless.
Workbook Assignments:
Exactly what are those assignments?
List them all.
Include page numbers, due dates, examples, and submission criteria such
as formatting, length, and expectations for spelling (if any) or grammar
(whether you will accept "gloss" or do you expect English
Please keep in mind that the students will have little or no time to do
such "workbook" assignments. They are in class from 9 a.m. to 9
p.m. When will they do such assignments? Thus you will need to provide
sufficiently clear instructions "from the beginning" to make it possible
for them to work ahead and plan their time very carefully. As an
instructor it is inappropriate to "make up the assignments as you go."
Some instructors begin teaching a class and halfway through the semester
they are STILL figuring out and coming up with graded assignments to add
to their syllabus.
Expressive Exam:
What are the details? What will it cover? How long is it? What
format? Is it taken individually? What is the weighting of the
individual items? How can a student prepare for it? How can a student
know whether or not she is ready for the exam or needs to study more?
I note lower down in your syllabus you have a section on "ACADEMIC
DISHONESTY" in which you state:
"Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that is to be avoided at all
costs. A student who plagiarizes on the cumulative exam will receive a
grade of "F. Students who plagiarize will be recommended to the Program
Coordinator for disciplinary action."
Discussion: Plagiarism generally refers to the act of copying a written
work or an idea and claiming it as your own. You caution students
against plagiarism on the "cumulative exam." This gives the impression
that the exam is a written test. Yet in your list of assignments and
evaluations there is no "cumulative exam" of that nature. You list an
"Expressive Exam" not a "cumulative exam." The idea of "plagiarizing"
on an expressive ASL exam seems odd. Consider for the example
how odd is the idea of a swimmer at a swim competition "plagiarizing"
the swimming of the person competing in the next lane over.
So, again, all in all your syllabus looks very nice. I encourage you to
specifically list out all assignments and explain your criteria
sufficiently so there is no doubt in the mind of your students how to
get an "A" out of your class.
Dr. Bill
Note to readers: The syllabus
below is not intended as a model to follow, (it has some problems) but rather it is provided
for discussion purposes. For a ideas on designing a good syllabus,
see: syllabus matrix see:
Designing your syllabus
ASL 3 & 4
EDS 153 & 154
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
Instructor: Mary Smith
Office: by appointment
MTWHF 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Napa Hall, College of Continuing Education
Meeting Dates- 8/04/2008 - 8/15/2008
Participants will be receiving 8 units of academic credit. The two,
four-unit courses are currently:
ASL 103: American Sign Language 3. Expand communicative repertoire
developed in EDS 151 to talk about people and places in a
contextually-reduced framework. Students learn to describe places,
objects, and events. Students develop basic narrative skills to tell
about past events. Through in-class discussions/demonstrations, course
readings, and out-of-class field experience, students are exposed to
elements of the deaf community and culture. Prerequisite: ASL 102
or equivalent. 4 units.
ASL 104: American Sign Language 4. Principles, methods and
techniques of manual communication with deaf people using American Sign
Language. Emphasis on the continuation of developing advanced manual
communication skills for students who work or interact with adult deaf
persons. Continuation of the analysis of the culture of deafness with
emphasis on participation in the community. Prerequisite: ASL
103 or equivalent. 4 units.
Note: Taught in ASL without spoken
Signing Naturally, Level 2
and 3 Workbooks and DVDs. By Ken Mikos, Cheri Smith, and Ella Mae
Lentz. Dawn Sign Press.
Free lessons in the ASL University website—
This course requires your active participation (engaging in
pair and group dialogues) and daily preparation (completed workbook
assignments, and assigned readings). To encourage your out-of-class
preparation, in-class activities, many of which are small group
exercises, are, due to the accelerated summer schedule, may be
truncated. Because your participation in these activities is evaluated,
your daily attendance is required. The expressive final exam for both
classes will be explained in detail on the first day of class so you
will be able to prepare appropriately for it.
ASL 103 Course Evaluation Pts. of Final Grade
Participation/Attendance 50
Workbook assignments 50
Expressive Exam 100
ASL 104 Course Evaluation Pts. of
Final Grade
Participation/Attendance 50
Workbook assignments 50
Expressive Exam 100
Final course averaged will be calculated and assigned letter grades.
The scale is as follows:
100-95%=A, 90 = A-, 87=B+,
83=B, 80=B-, 77=C+, 73=C, 70=C-, 67=D+, 63=D, 60=D-, 59=F.
Two week schedule (subject
to revision)
Teacher |
Aug 4 |
Aug 5 |
Wednesday Aug 6 |
Aug 7 |
Aug 8 |
(Name on file)
6:00 to 9:00 PM
14: Complaining, Making Suggestions and Requests |
(continued from previous day) |
Locating Things Around the House |
(continued from previous day) |
Feedback, &
Teacher evals |
Teacher |
Aug 11 |
Aug 12 |
Wednesday 13 |
Aug 14 |
Aug 15 |
(Name on file
6:00 to 9:00 PM |
Explaining Rules |
(continued from previous day) |
Making Major Decisions |
(continued from previous day, |
Teacher evals & wrap-up |
Plagiarism is a serious academic offense
that is to be avoided at all costs. A student who plagiarizes on the
cumulative exam will receive a grade of "F. Students who plagiarize
will be recommended to the Program Coordinator for disciplinary action.
If you are a student with a disability that will require
accommodation, it is your responsibility to contact the Disability
Resource Center at the beginning of the class.
What I look for participation
is a student's preparedness, engaging in classroom exercises and
discussions based on Signing Naturally lessons and workbook assignments.
Conversations in classroom will be solely in American Sign
Language. Speaking in English is not allowed and this policy is strictly
If you miss an evening class you will lose 10 grade points off of
the final class grade unless a written excuse can be provided for an
illness, death of family, etc. Absolutely no makeup for the exam.
Note to readers: The above
syllabus is not intended as a model to follow, but rather it is provided
for discussion purposes. See above.
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