1000b
1000r
100c
40s
aboutag
about-approximately
aboveag
aboveaglarge
abovemorethan
accept
accompany-along
accountantag
acrossfromag
actor
addag
addplusag
addto
africaa
africab
against
ahead
air
all
all2
all-lexicalized
all-lexicalized-b
allowag
alltogether
almost
alrightdouble
alrightsingle
always
am
american
americanindian
an
and
animal
annually
annually2
another
answer
any
anything
apartment
approximately
area
arguea
argueb
arizona
around
arrive
artist
as
assistant
at
atlanta
away
awful
awkward
babysiter
babysitterb
bachelor
back-backthere
back-body
back-lexicalized
bake
balda
baldb
baldc
ball
banana
bandage
bank
baseball
basement
basketball
bat
bat-flying
bathtub
bat-vampire
be
bear
bearda
beardb
becausea
becauseb
becausec
become
bedmake
bee
begin
belowbeneath
belowbottom
belowlessthan
bench
best
better
betweena
betweenaverage
betweeninbetween
bill2
birth
blouse
board
bodyshift-or
book
book-closebook
book-openbook
boss
boston
boston2
bother
bottom
bra
breadsideview
brother-step
but
butter
cafeteria
cake
call-summon
calm-down
camera
can-able
cancel
cant
cantanimated
careful
careless
carpenter
carry
cat
catb
chair
character
chase
chase2
chat-with-a
chat-with-b
cheap
cheat
check
chicago
child
children
childrentwohanded
chinanew
chineseold
chips
chipshomesign
christmas
christmas2
class
classifier
classroom
clever
climb
closecaptioned
closecaptioned2
clothesanimated
cluster
coat
coffee
collect
committee
computer
computerkelsey
conflict
connect
connectto
contact
cook
corner
couch
couch
cough
cough2
cough3
country
cow
crack
crack2
crackegg
crazy
crazy2
cupboard
dad-step
dallas
dallasuncommon
dark
daughter
daughterb
dead-rigormortis
deaf
decide
decrease
delicious
demote
deplete
deposit
depressed
destroy
deteriorate
deteriorate2
detroit
diaper
dictionary
did
die
different
differenta
different-very
dig
dig2
dinosaur
discuss
disgusted
dizzy
doctor
doga
dogb
dog-d-o-g
doll
donkey
dont
dontcare
dontmind
door
down
dozen
drawer
dream
dresser
dribble
drill
drink-up
dripleak
drop
drunk
dryer
duck
during-along
duty
each
eachversion2
eagle
earrings
earth
earthquake
easter
elementary
elephant
elephantversion2
email
emailb
emergency
emergencyvehicle
enjoy
enter
enthusiastic
equal
establish
europe
every
everyversion2
exact
excuse
excuselayoff
exit
exit-out
explain
fail
failb
failc
faild
fallbehind
fall-down
fallinlove
false
fancy
farm
farmer
farnotfar
father-step
fault
feed
feet
figure
find
fire
fireman
firemanb
first
first-b
first-c
first-place
fish
fishing
follow
for
force
for-for
forgeta
forgetb
frugal2.wmv
furniture
garage
german
get
get-become
ghost
girl-littlegirl
give-givetoeverybody
give-handtoeachone
give-himgivetome
give-megivehim
give-megiveyou
give-up
give-yougiveme
glasses
glassesb
gomakeyourbed
grass
group
hairdryer
have-to
hearingaid
hearoverhear
here-d
here-e
hike
himself
hit
hockey
holiday
hurt
icecream
idea
if-a
if-b
if-c
important
impossible
incompetent
increase
infection
inlaw
inlawbrother
inlawbrotherb
inlawsister
internet
internetb
intersection
ireland
island
kitchena
kitchenb
knife
knifecutwithknife
knifeversion1
know
know-b
know-c
know-that
laborday
large
laugh
laydown
left-ontheleftside
lesson
lessonsideview
library
light-bright
light-general
light-headlights
light-lamp
light-match
light-overhead
listen
little-bit
lookat
lookat-that
loud
luck
luckgoodluck
machine
magician
make
manversiona
manversionb
manversionc
math
meaning
member
memorial
microwave
month-sixmonths
more-one-more
mother-step
mountain
mouth
move
movie
music
myself
nation
neighbor
neighborb
never
new
newyork
next
niceclean
no
not
notasl
nothing
ocean
oclock-1
oclock3
of
offc
offd
offe
oh-i-see-b
on
onc
once
ond
open-up-a-newspaper
or
ounce
oven
owe
own
page
pants
pantsb
party
pass
past
peachversion1
peachversion2
peanutbutter
people
pet
phone
phone-ttycall
phone-voicecall
picturea
pictureb
picture-take-a
pie
pilgrim
pittsburg
plan
planprepare
plant
play
pleasecloseup
poetry
police
policeb
postpone
postponeversion1
president
printer
program
progress
pumkin
put
put-away
put-inslot
put-pack
put-sortout
put-up-with
quote
race
read
reason
rebel
refridgerator
remember
right-ontherightside
river
riverwiggle
rollerblade
rude
run
run2
russia
same-f
same-g
same-h
say-what-did-he-say
scarf
scientist
scientistb
scooter
second-place
secret
secretary
secretarya
secretaryc
see
seize
selfanimated
self-yourselfanimated
separated
sew1
shaveversionb
shirt
shoes
short
shower
showupappear
shutup
sick-laidout
signlanguage
since
singer
singer2
single-b
single-c
sink
sink-s-i-n-k
sister-step
sit
skate
sleepy
small
small-b
small-c
smell
so
socks
some
something
sometimes
son
sonb
sophomore
sorry
spain
speak
spellversion2
spread
stand-getup
stand-up
start
stay
steal
step
still
stove
stripes
struggle
study
suppose
suppose2
swell
swing
table
take
takeaway
takecareof
take-it-easy
take-pill
take-up
talk
talk-with
talk-withb
tea
team
tell
tell-him
tell-me
temple
texas
thanksgiving
then
there-c
there-d
thing
third-place
throw
time
toothpaste
trade
tradeexchange
tree
true-b
tty
turkey
turn
underwear
up
up-till-now-b
uptilnow
utahlex
vegetableversion2
videotape
visit
volunteer
waitress
wake-up
walk
walkto
wall
watchb
way
wearout
week-3weeks
weld
whatkind
which
window
window-closewindow
window-openwindow
wine
without
wonderful
world
worse
year-3years
yell
yes
young
you-somewhatsurprised
z2
zip