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CHEETAH: The American Sign Language (ASL) sign for "cheetah"

Depending on context, there is a few options for how to convey CHEETAH.


Upon first mention of CHEETAH you could sign:


+ TIGER + depiction of running fast on four legs


  +    +   


After CHEETAH has already been mentioned you could sign:



And there is a version that is based on the facial markings:



Or if you already have context established you could use the sign for TIGER to mean CHEETAH:




The challenge and problem with learning and knowing rare signs is that just because YOU know a rarely used or exotic sign doesn't mean your conversation partner magically knows the sign. You may still need to spell "cheetah" even if you know a sign for it.



Sample sentence: CHEETAH CAN RUN HOW-FAST? (How fast can a cheetah run?)




If you want to learn more animal signs, check out:





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You can learn American Sign Language (ASL) online at American Sign Language University ™ 
ASL resources by  ©  Dr. William Vicars