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Sign: ASK-TO
(Note:  make sure to check out "ask."
Synonyms:  inquire 
Handshape: Starts as an "index" and changes into an "x."

Orientation: Palm faces the person being asked.
Location and movement:  

If you want to say "I ASK-TO MOM" then start the sign closer to your body.

If you are telling someone else to "ask mom," start the sign further away from your body, (closer to the person you are telling to "ask mom"), and move the sign in the direction of "mom."

Non-Manual Marker (Facial expressions and or body language): neutral

You could sign this to mean, "I'll check with mom."  In the same way you could sign, "I'll ask mom."  You would just sign "ASK-TO MOM."  

If you are telling someone else to "ask mom," start the sign further away from your body, (closer to the person you are telling to "ask mom"), and move the sign in the direction of "mom."

Inflections:  If I hold this sign in place and straighten and bend the index finger from an index to an "x" shape a few times-- it inflects the sentence it is attached to to make it into a "question."  

 ASK-you  or "me-ASK-you"
"I ask you."  "I've got a question for you."


ASK-PRO.3 (HE, SHE, IT)  "Ask him"


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