Mail to:  (click for Dr. Bill's contact info)

[Note:  You can type in the boxes then print the form]

 Dear Dr. Bill,

I would like you to send me your special report, "How to Make a Decent Living Teaching ASL."  I'm paying with a check or money order.

I would like it in the following format:

As an attached email document:  I'm enclosing $10.00 
My email address is: 

As a DVD (PC compatible) disk:  I'm enclosing $60.00
As printed document (PAPER):  I'm enclosing $100.00

My name and mailing address:

[Note:  If you want more than the just the report, (for example, you want the book
"Sign Me Up!" and also the report)--just write me a message telling me what you want.
Then enclose a check or money order for the right amount.]

After you've filled out the information above, PRINT this page and mail it to Dr. Bill.  (click for Dr. Bill's contact info)